Blue cream point

Bornt the 18.11.07

Breeder : Michel Koutchouk

Cattery :  Le Chat Botté


                Father : Kariams Tampico Chico
                Quadruple Grand Champion
                Blue point


                 Mother : Chatquirit Jalousie
                 Blue cream point


15 days


27 days

50 days

50 days, with her sister Suggar, blue point , on the left

february 2008, 3 months

february 2008

february 2008

february 2008

february 2008

february 2008, 3 months


february 2008


february 2008,  3 months


februrary 2008


february 2008


february  2008


february 2008,  3 months


  5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08


 5 months, 21.04.08